
*Sheldon, Phil Jr.

    Phil graduated from John Hopkins University with a major in Political Science.

    Mr. Sheldon is President of Diener Consultants, a company which has been providing marketing conting services to corporations such as the American Red Cross, Audio Tech, Child Protection Program Foundation, Conservative Petitions (a dot com), Disneyland, Heritage Publishing Company, Newport Creative Communications, Newstrack Executive Tape Service, and others.

    Phil has served as an Alternate Delegate at the 1996 Republican National Convention and is currently the President of the Pennsylvania Republican Assembly.

*Siddle, Bruce

    Bruce Siddle is a 20-year law enforcement veteran with a background specializing in Use of Force training.  He is the founder and Executive Director of PPCT Management Systems, one of the largest research-based use of force training organizations in the United States.

    As the Executive Director of PPCT, Mr. Siddle has been a guest speaker for hundreds of agencies throughout the United States, including the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, International Association of Chief's of Police, the National Sheriff's Association, the International Association of Firearms Instructors, the Academy for Criminal Justice Sciences and the American Society of Law Enforcement Trainers.

    Bruce has been an active consultant for the U.S. Dept. of Navy's Redcell, U.S. Dept. of Army's Delta Force, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Dept. of State’s Mobile Security Unit, U.S. Dept. of Defense, U. S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms, the U. S. Secret Service Counter Assault Team and Firearms Training Unit, Federal Bureau of Investigation's Hostage Rescue Unit, and various military special operation/warfare units.

    He has provided five training to the Hong Kong government,  the United Kingdom police and prison agencies, and a close-in-protection for the Queen of England's personal protection unit (Royal Protection Group).

*Simpson, Tom

    Mr. Simpson received his J.D. while graduating Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Nebraska - Lincoln.

    Tom had a career shift which took him into the Information Technology field where he became principal and manager of Chiminey Rock Systems

    Like most others in the Expert Source Bureau, Tom has a long list of continuing education certificates and other achievements including being one out 250,000 selected to serve on the Novel Education CNE and MCNE Advisory Council.

*Singer PhD, Fred

    Dr. S. Fred Singer received his B.E.E. from Ohio State University A.M. and his Ph.D. in Physics from Princeton University.

    He is an atmospheric physicist, is professor emeritus of environmental sciences at the University of Virginia, and the president of the Fairfax-based Science & Environmental Policy Project, a nonprofit policy institute.  (SEPP is an association of working scientists concerned with providing a sound scientific base for environmental policies.)

    Fred has held several academic and governmental positions, including as the first director of the US Weather Satellite Service (now part of NOAA), deputy assistant administrator for policy of the Environmental Protection Agency, and most recently, chief scientist of the U.S. Department of Transportation.

    Dr. Singer devised the instrument used to measure stratospheric ozone from satellites and was first to point to and calculate the human-based production of atmospheric methane, an important greenhouse gas and source of stratospheric water vapor.

    A partial list of his honors include:

    • Selected as one of "Ten Outstanding Young Men of the Nation," by the U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce, 1959.
    • White House Commendation (President Eisenhower) for early design of space satellites; for drafting in 1954 the resolutions on satellites for IUGG, URSI, and the International Geophysical Year.
    • Elected to the International Academy of Astronautics (Paris).
    • Member, European Academy for Environmental Affairs
    • U.S. Department of Commerce Gold Medal Award for the development and management of weather satellites.
    • (First)Science Medal from the British Interplanetary Society.
    • Commendation (1997), National Aeronautics and Space Administration, for research on particle clouds.
    • Honorary Doctorate of Science, Ohio State University, 1970.
    • Elected Fellow: American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), American Geophysical Union, American Physical Society, American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics. Elected to the AAAS Council: Committee on Council Affairs, and Section Secretary.
    • Phi Beta Kappa National Lectureship
    • Membership in honorary societies, including Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, Sigma Xi.
    • Listed in Who's Who in America, American Men of Science, etc.

    A partial list of hs major scientific accomplishments include:

    • First measurements, with V-2 and Aerobee rockets, of primary cosmic radiation in space (with James A. Van Allen, 1947-1950) and upper-atmospheric ozone (with J.J.Hopfield and H. Clearman, 1948).
    • Discovery, with rocket-borne magnetometer, of equatorial electrojet current in the ionosphere (1949).
    • Calculation of cosmic ray effects on meteorites, followed by first measurements of their ages (1952).
    • Design of Minimum Orbital Unmanned Satellite (MOUSE), (1952-1954).
    • Design of sensing instruments for MOUSE, including the first instrument for measuring stratospheric ozone (1956), now used in satellites.
    • First publications predicting the existence of trapped radiation in the earth's magnetic field (radiation belts, later discovered by Van Allen) to explain the magnetic-storm ring current (1956).
    • Design of the high-altitude FARSIDE rocket, to search for geomagnetically trapped radiation (1956).
    • Capture theory for the origin of the Moon and of the Martian satellites, Phobos and Deimos (1966).
    • Design study of Martian exploration by way of a manned base on Phobos/Deimos (Ph-D Project) (1977-78)
    • First calculation of methane increase due to population growth, and its effects on the stratosphere (1971). The theory serves as a paradigm for CFC-stratosphere effects. While developed in connection with the SST controversy, it is now of importance for both greenhouse warming and ozone depletion theories.
    • Theory for the behavior of world oil prices, and prediction in 1980 of the price collapse of 1983.
    • Discovery of orbiting debris clouds, using instruments on the LDEF satellite (1990).

    He is also author and editor of a number of books including:

    • Unstoppable Global Warming - Every 1500 Years
    • Global Effects of Environmental Pollution
    • Global Climate Change
    • Hot Talk, Cold Science: Global Warming's Unfinished Debate

    For further info: www.sepp.org/bios/singer/cvsfs.html

*Sipkens, John

    John received his Bachelors from the University of New York with a concentration in sociology and health sciences. His advanced training took him to the Academy of Health Sciences in Houston TX where he received specialized instruction in subjects centering around safe food management.

    Mr. Sipkens also received advanced training regarding communicable diseases at the Centers For Disease Control in Atlanta GA

    John is a registered Environmental Health Specialist/Registered Sanitarian as well as a registered Environmental Health Professional.

*Swider Ph.D., Jan

    Dr. Swider holds a Ph.D. in engineering from UCLA. His main research interests are in human health, ecological and engineering systems risk assessments.

    His research ranges from safety analyses of aerospace and nuclear systems to basic studies of effects of hazardous air pollutants on ecological systems. He is particularly interested in the instabilities in interspecific interactions caused by environmental agents and has been investigating the effects of air pollution in the scope of ecological risk assessment.

    Dr. Swider has conducted analytical and numerical analyses of the predator-prey systems behavior under toxic stress, performed risk assessments for various emission sources, including atmospheric dispersion analysis of toxic and radioactive emissions. Another area of his interest is an application of probabilistic risk assessment methods to accident prevention and management.

    He has also served as a consultant to industry. Dr. Swider was an International Atomic Energy Agency Fellow in 1990 and is a member of Society for Risk Analysis.

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